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Play provides essential building blocks for social-emotional skills, problem-solving, creativity, gross and fine motor skills, math and science, language, and literacy. Children need these developmentally appropriate skills to prepare them for school. 


Child should be able to: Play with mom and dad, play alone, and with a peer group nicely. Take turns when playing, working, speaking. Share materials. Clean up after himself/herself by putting
materials in their place. 



Age-appropriate social skills are the single biggest key to success in beginning kindergarten. This includes how to behave in school. 


Child should be able to: Use words to identify, express feelings, ask questions, and seek help from an adult while
keeping hands to himself/herself. Have the skills to calm down. Separates from parent or guardian without difficulty. Knows parent or guardian’s first and last name. Knows own first name, last name, age, and can tell an adult. Use the bathroom independently. Eat independently.  



Running, hopping, and climbing are some of the gross motor skills that are developmentally appropriate. Also
important are fine motor skills. Getting dressed, writing and drawing will help develop fine motor skills.


Child should be able to: Hold and cut paper using scissors. Holds writing instruments correctly with a non-fisted grasp. Trace straight, curvy, and angular lines. Run, hop, skip. 



Children need language-rich experiences like reading nursery rhymes and books, storytelling and engaging in lots of conversation. 


Child should be able to: Recognize his/her written name. Be able to sit and listen to a story. Use and care for a book. Become acquainted with nursery rhymes, poems, and stories with rhyming words. Be familiar with the alphabet and letter sounds especially the ones in her/his name.



Children are naturally curious about the world around them. They have many questions. This is the perfect time to explore math and science. Discovering the meaning of patterns, numbers, things that are the same and different is such fun at this age. 


Child should be able to: Identify and name simple shapes (circle, square, triangle, hexagon, and rectangle). Know basic colors. Count orally from 1 to 10. Know 1 to 1 correspondence when counting 1 to 10. 


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